Sunday, May 24, 2015

Magic Wand

Started working on the Magic Wand project.
POV. Persistence of vision is used here to create this magic wand.
Letters are created using the controlled switch on and off LEDs.

Please look at the video below.
I have implemented this using the guide provided

Sunday, May 3, 2015

RFduino Installation in Ubuntu

RFduino now support Linux and installation is straight forward.
Step1: Open terminal in ubuntu by pressing Alt+Ctrl+T
Step2: Type the following commands
cd ~
mkdir Arduino
cd Arduino
tar -xf arduino-1.6.3-linux64.tar.xz
sudo apt-get install default-jre

key in password when prompted.
No driver installation required for Ubuntu. 

Step3: Open Arduino by typing the following command
cd arduino-1.6.3

The current version is 1.6.3. It will be different for different versions.

Step4: Select Menu File->Preference
 in the proxy settings change server to and keep other settings as it is and click OK.
in "Additional Board Manager URLs, add "" and click OK

Step5: Select Menu Tools->Board->Board Manager and in the window that is opened select RFduino and select install.
 It will take a while to download and install files there are 2 set of files one ~ 36MB and other ~52MB

Step6: Select Menu Tools->Board->RFduino

Step7: Select Menu Port->/dev/ttyUSB0
 USB menu item will be different in different machine.

Thats it.
Some examples can be found in Menu File->Examples section for RFduino.

Happy Programming.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Coffee cup using blender

Blender is an amazing 3D modeling tool.
Just started using it ofer 3Ds Max. I find it amazing.
I followed the below tutorial
And created the "hello world" 3D model.
It came out to be like this.
