Monday, June 23, 2014

Using php CURL get PNR status of Indian railways updated

Declaration and Warning: This is done just for example and I declare i do not have any intention to Create DOS, or it is not indented to harm I am ready to remove the post as well as hosted file if this is going to harm in any way. I am not responsible for anyone using this code for any reason. Use this code at your own risk.
Note: The website is fixed no longer this api works This is an update of the post here
About the API details can be found from the older post.
The changed details are given here.

The final code is maintained in github now. You can find the code here.

What is changed:

1. Site now added Captcha hence captcha to be passed as parameter.
2. Code is provided with some comments.

How is is done is detailed below:

Friday, June 20, 2014

Pic Microcontroller Interfacing I2C SSPADD online calculator.

It is a must to set SSPADD value, when interfacing with I2C device with PIC micro controllers. 
The formula to calculate SSPADD is given below 
Where Fosc is the frequency of the crystal used in PIC micro eg: 20MHz. And Bit Rate is the desired  frequency for the I2C device.
The tool below can be used to calculate the SSPADD.

Crystal frequency :
Bit Rate for I2C    :

Result: In HEX = 0x31 , In Decimal = 49
